Objective: This study evaluates the effect of intravaginal estriol on urogenital atrophy, Pap smear parameters, colposcopy parameters and discomfort during gynecological examination.
Methods: 31 postmenopausal women who had not used hormone therapy in the previous six months were studied. All women used intravaginal estriol, 1 mg/day for 21 days. The following variables were analyzed before and after treatment: complaints of urogenital atrophy; cytological parameters, colposcopic parameters, and subjective evaluation of discomfort during gynecologic examination.
Results: All urogenital atrophy complaints improved after treatment. At the first visit, 45.2% of women presented a predominance of profound cells, 51.6% with predominance of intermediate cells, and 3.2% with predominance of superficial cells. At the second visit, these rates were 35.5%, 64.5%, and 0%, respectively. Evaluation of the maturation index showed that 83.9% of women had atrophic Pap smears, and 16.1% showed good estrogenic level before treatment. At the second visit, atrophic smears occurred in 12.9%, and 87.1% of women exhibited good estrogenic level (chi2 = 20.045; p = 0.000). Colposcopy showed that 71% of women had atrophic colpitis and/or petequiae before treatment, while atrophy after therapy was present in only 6.4%. The evaluation of other colposcopic parameters also improved after treatment. Great discomfort was reported by 19.4% before and by 0% after treatment.
Conclusion: Intravaginal estriol 1 mg/day for a period of 21 days was efficient in improving urogenital atrophy, Pap smear parameters and colposcopic evaluation in postmenopausal women.