A new model of well-child care: implications for resource costs and dissemination

Perm J. 2011 Spring;15(2):15-22. doi: 10.7812/TPP/10-158.


Objective: Current pediatric well-child care (WCC) may be inefficient and inadequate with respect to primary care physicians' abilities to deliver prescribed preventive and developmental services. New Internet-related technologies may improve the efficiency and effectiveness of WCC. This article examines the potential resource cost implications associated with a change in the delivery model of WCC in a capitated, integrated managed care system.

Study design: Decision analyses and Monte Carlo simulations were used to estimate the variation in resource costs between the current WCC model and a high-performance WCC model, stratifying by age, risk level, and the proportion of pediatric members that may not seek WCC.

Methods: Demographic and health care utilization data associated with 14,910 pediatric enrollees, ages newborn to 5 years, enrolled at Kaiser Permanente Colorado were used to simulate the change in costs attributable to a change in the model of WCC.

Results: Simulation models and sensitivity analyses suggest that the implementation of the high-performance WCC model is likely to be relatively resource cost neutral in a managed care system.

Conclusions: Preliminary findings suggest that implementation of innovative changes in WCC may allow for efficient reallocation of resources to higher-risk children in a relatively cost neutral manner. However, innovative changes that involve the use of unreimbursed non-face-to-face encounters and nonphysician health care professionals may present challenges with respect to implementation of a new model of WCC in a fee-for-service environment.