Process and progress: John Hughlings Jackson's philosophy of science

Brain. 2011 Oct;134(Pt 10):3121-6. doi: 10.1093/brain/awr236.


Some scepticism has been voiced over whether the work of John Hughlings Jackson possesses any significant philosophical orientation. This article argues that Hughlings Jackson was acquainted with the work of a wide range of philosophers. In particular, certain aspects of the writings of John Stuart Mill are reflected in Hughlings Jackson's own work. From early in his career, Hughlings Jackson adopted a critical stance in his neurological papers, seeking to expose shortcomings in the conventional practices of his peers and urging greater methodological rigour and sophistication in order to advance their science. This critical and 'procedurist' bias endows Hughlings Jackson's writings with a characteristically modern character.

Publication types

  • Biography
  • Historical Article

MeSH terms

  • History, 19th Century
  • History, 20th Century
  • Language
  • Neurology / history*
  • Philosophy / history*

Personal name as subject

  • John Hughlings Jackson