Few diseases in modern pets are diet induced. One possible exception to this is obesity, which is ultimately caused by consuming more calories than needed by the dog or cat. Although fat is the most concentrated and efficiently stored source of calories, and protein least so, an excess of calories from any source will contribute to adiposity. Obesity is an excess of body fat sufficient to result in impairment of health or body function. In people, this is generally recognized as 20 to 25% above ideal BW. This degree of excess is important in dogs as well. A lifelong study in dogs showed that even moderately overweight dogs were at greater risk for earlier morbidity; these dogs required medication for chronic health problems sooner than their lean-fed siblings. The average difference in BW between groups was approximately 25%. Obese cats also face increased health risks, including an increased risk of arthritis, diabetes mellitus, hepatic lipidosis, and early mortality. The risk for development of diabetes increases about 2-fold in overweight cats and about 4-fold [corrected] in obese cats. Altered adipokine secretion appears to be an important mechanism for the link between excess BW and many diseases. Once considered to be physiologically inert, adipose tissue is an active producer of hormones, such as leptin and resistin, and cytokines, including many inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-α, IL-1β and IL-6, and C-reactive protein. The persistent, low-grade inflammation secondary to obesity is thought to play a causal role in chronic diseases such as osteoarthritis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and others. For example, tumor necrosis factor-α alters insulin sensitivity by blocking activation of insulin receptors. In addition, obesity is associated with increased oxidative stress, which also may contribute to obesity-related diseases. Management of obesity involves nutritional modification as well as behavioral modification. Increased protein intake combined with reduced calorie intake facilitates loss of body fat while minimizing loss of lean body mass. Limiting treats to 10% of calorie intake and increasing exercise both aid in successful BW management.