[Florence Nightingale (1820-1910), 101 years after her death]

Rev Med Chil. 2011 Jun;139(6):807-13. Epub 2011 Sep 14.
[Article in Spanish]


We herein describe Florence Nightingale's life and work. She is considered one of the pioneers in nursing practice. Her greatest success was during the Crimean war when, along with 38 voluntary nurses, she cleaned and refurbished the hospital in Scutari and reduced the mortality rate from 40 to 2%. She used to make rounds at night in the wards under the light of a lamp, and therefore she was named "The Lady with the Lamp". Queen Victory gave her the Royal Red Cross and she was the first woman who was honored with the Order of Merit in 1907. She had solid knowledge on Statistics and Mathematics which were useful for her nursing job.

Publication types

  • Biography
  • Historical Article
  • Portrait

MeSH terms

  • Argentina
  • History of Nursing*
  • History, 19th Century
  • History, 20th Century
  • School Nursing / education
  • School Nursing / history*
  • Statistics as Topic / education
  • United Kingdom

Personal name as subject

  • Florence Nightingale