Very few studies have reported on the occurrence and accumulation profiles of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and synthetic musk compounds (SMCs) in human adipose tissue. In this study, concentrations of PAHs and SMCs in adipose tissues collected from Korean women in 2007 and 2008 were determined. Total concentrations of PAHs and SMCs in adipose tissues ranged from 15 to 361 (mean: 119) ngg(-1) lipid weight and from 38 to 253 (mean: 106) ngg(-1) lipid weight, respectively. Concentrations of SMCs in Korean adipose tissues were lower than those reported for European countries and the United States. Naphthalene was the most predominant PAH and HHCB was the dominant SMC found in adipose tissues. The concentrations of PAHs and SMCs were not correlated with each other, suggesting that the sources of human exposure to these two classes of compounds are different. No correlation was found between donor's age and residue levels of PAHs and SMCs. The results of this study provide baseline information on exposure of PAHs and SMCs to the general population in Korea.
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