Predictive tests for the identification of women at high risk of the development of preeclampsia are critical to allow the most appropriate preventive measures. Preeclampsia is a vasospastic condition of pregnancy characterized by early and enhanced vascular reactivity to endogenous pressor agents. Exercise tolerance testing with cycle ergometry to induce hemodynamic response measured with duplex Doppler A/B ratio of the umbilical artery could unmask latent vascular pressor hypersensitivity. Our prospective cohort study was designed to test the efficacy of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists exercise in pregnancy guidelines for the low-risk athletic, physically active, or sedentary patient. The pattern of fetal response to material exercise testing at 28 weeks' gestation was compared with subsequent maternal mean arterial blood pressure and the development of pregnancy-induced hypertension and preeclampsia. Doppler A/B ratio during the recovery period was assessed as below baseline (18) or elevated above resting baseline values (12). Third-trimester blood pressure pattern was assessed to be elevated in 11 patients, 10 of whom had elevated recovery A/B ratios. The Fisher exact test results were (p = 0.00002) positive predictive value, 83%; negative predictive value, 94%; sensitivity, 91%; and specificity, 89%. Preeclampsia developed in four patients; all had elevated recovery A/B ratios. Fisher exact test results were (p = 0.01806) positive predictive value, 33%; negative predictive value, 100%; sensitivity, 100%; and specificity, 69%.