Aim: The aim of this paper was to assess brain injury occurrence among in vitro fertilization (IVF) babies.
Methods: We examined all babies born in our hospital in the triennium 2004-2006, comparing the presence of brain injuries between IVF babies and the rest of the population.
Results: In IVF group (180 babies), brain injury was present in 4 babies, while in the rest of population (n=3602) it was present in 23 babies (P=0.042, RR: 3.18). IVF babies have a higher risk of being born with a birthweight less than 2 500 grams (P<0.0001; RR: 5.133). When we considered only babies born with a birth weight less than 2 500 grams, the difference of brain injury between the two groups was not significant.
Conclusion: In IVF babies, brain injury occurred more frequently than in the rest of population. This is probably due to a higher rate of premature births and low birth weight in IVF population. Anyway, this data should be disclosed to future parents to make an informed decision.