Infection with the human liver fluke Opisthorchis felineus is a serious public health problem in Russia and other Eastern Europe countries. The aim of this work was to identify and sequence cytochrome P450 mRNA from O. felineus and to analyze its expression at different developmental stages. We found only one cytochrome P450 in O. felineus. It contains a conserved Pfam00067 domain which was typical of the CYP450 II eukaryotic microsomal type, and a putative transmembrane domain. Additionally, we identified a high degree of homology between a 3D model of O. felineus CYP450 and mammalian CYP2 structures. The level of O. felineus CYP mRNA expression in maritae (adult stage in definitive mammal host) is significantly higher than in metacercaria. This fact indicates an important role of this biotransformation enzyme in the biochemistry of the parasite at the maritae stage.
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