Passive smoking has been found to be associated with a large number of disorders of passive smokers. It seems that the children are the most susceptible population for harmful effects of passive smoke exposure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of passive smoking on children's functional abilities. The target population was 199 children who were 13-15 years old at the time of the study. For the assessment of motor skills 6-min run test was used. Children exposed to passive smoking by their mothers had statistically significant lower functional abilities (r =-0.7029; 95% CI -0.7707 to -0.6194; p < 0.0001). We also found statistically significant difference if the both parents are smokers (r =-0.3343; 95% CI -0.4595 to -0.1961; p < 0.0001). The results of our study did not show statistically significant difference if the children are exposed to cigarette smoke by their fathers (r = 0.03139; 95% CI -0.1171 to 0.1785; p = 0.6792). Public health preventive actions should go toward minimizing the exposure of children to passive smoking by counseling the smoking parents that quitting smoking provides enormous health benefits not only to them but also to their children.