Patient well-being is always the goal of rehabilitation of edentulism; however, evaluations of treatment success often overlook the patient's subjective feelings about comfort, function, speech, social image, social inhibitions, psychological discomfort, and/or disabilities. The purpose of this study was to assess these patient responses using an oral health questionnaire. To assess such feelings, a self-administered 20-question multiple-choice patient-reported Edentulous Patient Impact Questionnaire was developed, based upon the previously validated Oral Health Impact Profile patient-assessment tool. Responses were solicited from randomly selected patients treated with an implant-supported, fixed, immediately loaded full arch prosthesis. The questionnaires were completed by 250 patients. Of the respondents, 95% described themselves as being either extremely satisfied (74%) or satisfied (21%) with their new teeth, and 98% said they would definitely recommend similar treatment (88%) or consider recommending it (10%) to a friend or colleague. Based upon an oral health impact survey completed by 250 patients treated with full-arch implant-supported, immediately loaded fixed dental prostheses, it appears that patient satisfaction is high and that treated patients would generally be willing to recommend this treatment to others.