Introduction: It is critical that competency in pediatric resuscitation is achieved and assessed during residency or post graduate medical training. The purpose of this study was to create and evaluate a tool to measure all elements of pediatric resuscitation team leadership competence.
Methods: An initial set of items, derived from a literature review and a brainstorming session, were refined to a 26 item assessment tool through the use of Delphi methodology. The tool was tested using videos of standardized resuscitations. A psychometric assessment of the evidence for instrument validity and reliability was undertaken.
Results: The performance of 30 residents on two videotaped scenarios was assessed by 4 pediatricians using the tool, with 12 items assessing 'leadership and communication skills' (LCS) and 14 items assessing 'knowledge and clinical skills' (KCS). The instrument showed evidence of reliability; the Cronbach's alpha and generalizability co-efficients for the overall instrument were α=0.818 and Ep(2)=0.76, for LCS were α=0.827 and Ep(2)=0.844, and for KCS were α=0.673 and Ep(2)=0.482. While validity was initially established through literature review and brainstorming by the panel of experts, it was further built through the high strength of correlation between global scores and scores for overall performance (r=0.733), LCS (r=0.718) and KCS (r=0.662) as well as the factor analysis which accounted for 40.2% of the variance.
Conclusion: The results of the study demonstrate that the instrument is a valid and reliable tool to evaluate pediatric resuscitation team leader competence.
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