Introduction: Malignant neoplasm of the colon is one of the most common gastrointestinal cancers and takes the second place in terms of incidence in the world. In Asian countries compared with Western countries the incidence is a bit lower. In recent years in Poland there has been a disturbing increase in the incidence of this cancer, particularly in the voivodships Mazowieckie, Slaskie, and Wielkopolskie.
Material and methods: Statistical data from the National Cancer Registry on the incidence of colorectal cancer in Poland in 1999-2008, including the provinces which are grouped into provinces of Eastern, Western and Central Poland. We analysed data on both men and women, with the division of colon cancer, rectal folds esico and rectum. The analysis took into account the recognized incidence in absolute numbers and age-standardized incidence rates.
Results: The incidence of colon cancer in 1999 was 3438 cases among men and 3476 women, while in 2008 this number increased in both men and women and for men was 4763, and 4340 for women. In all Polish provinces, in 1999, 2165 men and 1719 women, and in 2008, 3188 men and 2150 women suffered from rectal cancer.
Conclusions: In the years 1999-2008 there was an increase in incidence of cancer of the colon. In Poland, there are territorial differences in the incidence of colorectal cancer described by the standardized incidence ratio. The incidence in Western and Central Poland is generally higher than for Eastern Poland. Probably, these differences have multiple bases.
Keywords: Poland; cancer; colon; incidence; provinces; statistics.