Specific definitions aside, the behaviours that are generally associated with stalking may be classified into three categories of acts: 1) following (including showing up at the victim's home and workplace, maintaining surveillance, and setting up coincidences); 2) communicating (by telephone, mail, leaving notes, graffiti, gifts, e-mail, and internet); including the ordering of goods and services in the victim's name; 3) attacking or committing acts of violence (threats, direct harassment of the victim or of people close to the victim, damaging of personal goods, false accusations, physical or sexual violence). The work here presented proposes to find empirical confirmation of the data cited in the scientific literature with particular attention paid to the studies carried out by Mullen, Pathé, Purcell and Meloy who proposed a criminological diagnostic category for stalkers, delineating their behaviors . We go on to highlight patterns of behavior, as well as physical and social characteristics as postulated by these authors, and found in the molesters investigated in this study.