Pharmacological closure of the patent ductus arteriosus

Images Paediatr Cardiol. 2003 Jan;5(1):1-15.


Pharmacological closure by indomethacin is customary if symptoms of PDA are not controlled adequately with fluid restriction and diuretics. Its use, however, requires a comprehensive clinical assessment of all the vital perinatal factors and a vigilant monitoring of the sick infant. Prophylactic use of indomethacin is discouraged. The decision to use pharmacological versus surgical treatment or both should be individualized based on evidence-based research and clinician's own experience. Surgical ligation remains the primary mode of therapy in cases of pharmacological treatment failure or recurrence.

Keywords: Ductus Arteriosus; Echocardiography; Indomethacin; Patent Infant; Premature; Prostaglandin antagonists; Prostaglandins; transthoracic.