Preoperative diffuse leptomeningeal spread in a medulloblastoma: Paraplegia following surgery for posterior fossa and call for newer management protocols

J Pediatr Neurosci. 2011 Jul;6(2):152-4. doi: 10.4103/1817-1745.92849.


Management of patients with medulloblastoma presenting with multiple metastasis in subarachnoid space preoperatively is unclear. An 11-year-old boy presented with vermian medulloblastoma with an unusually long segment cervico-dorsal lesion and suprasellar lesion. The child underwent a posterior fossa craniotomy (prone position) and excision of vermian mass. He developed paraplegia in the immediate postoperative period, the possible causes for which are being discussed. Besides, treatment options for patients presenting with disseminated disease preoperatively have been highlighted. Preoperative chemotherapy to downstage such lesions may be tried and such complications could be avoided.

Keywords: Diffuse leptomeningeal spread; medulloblastoma; paraplegia; preoperative chemotherapy.

Publication types

  • Case Reports