Perinatal asphyxia contributes to over one million newborn deaths worldwide annually, and may progress to multiorgan failure. Cardiac dysfunction, of varying severity, is seen in 50%-70% of asphyxiated newborns. Resuscitation is necessary to restore oxygenation to deprived tissues, including the heart. However, reoxygenation of asphyxiated newborns may lead to generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and further myocardial damage, termed reperfusion injury. The newborn heart is especially vulnerable to oxidative stress and reperfusion injury due to immature antioxidant defense mechanisms and increased vulnerability to apoptosis. Currently, newborn myocardial protective strategies are aimed at reducing the generation of ROS through controlled reoxygenation, boosting antioxidant defenses, and attenuating cellular injury via mitochondrial stabilization.