Three metabolites of 1-bromopropane (1-BP) were measured in urine samples collected from 30 workers exposed to 1-BP at two facilities making furniture seat cushions and evaluated for use as biomarkers of exposure. The mercapturic acid metabolite, N-acetyl-S-(n-propyl)-l-cysteine (AcPrCys), 3-bromopropionic acid (3-BPA), and bromide ion levels (Br(-)) were quantitated for this evaluation. The high exposure group consisted of 13 workers employed as adhesive sprayers who assembled foam cushions using 1-BP containing spray adhesives and the low exposure group consisted of 17 non-sprayers, who worked in various jobs without spraying adhesives. All workers' urine voids were collected over the same 48 h period at work, and at home before bedtime, and upon awakening. Urinary AcPrCys and Br(-) levels were elevated in the sprayers compared to that of non-sprayers. Following HPLC-MS/MS analysis of mercapturic acid metabolite levels, 50 urine samples having the highest levels of AcPrCys were analyzed for 3-BPA. No 3-BPA was detected in any of the samples. The data collected from this study demonstrate that AcPrCys and Br(-) are effective biomarkers of 1-BP exposure, but 3-BPA is not.