Pharmacological actions of cardipro on cardiovascular system

Anc Sci Life. 1998 Jul;18(1):64-77.


CARDIPRO is a polyhedral anti-oxidant and cardiotonic formulation recommended to be used in various cardiovascular disturbances, effect of CARDIPRO on different in vitro and in vivo cardiovascular responses were studied. CARDIPRO produced hypotensive effect in dogs and rabbits. The effect was blocked by prior atropinization, CARDIPRO also potentiated and prolonged the beta receptor mediated hypotensive action of adrenaline in dogs. CARDIPRO was found to produce peripheral vasodilation in perfused frog blood vessels, CARDIPRO exerted positive ionotrpic and negative chronotropic effects on perfused amphibian and mammalian heart (isolated and in situ) it also produced transient positive ionotrpic effect on hypodynamic frog hert. CARDIPRO enhanced the amplitude of contractive response of isolated rat auricle. CARDIPRO did not produce an per se effect on electrocardiogram of rabbits, CARDIPRO enhanced both basal and maximum coronary perfusion flow in isolated perfused rabbi hert. The cardiotonic properly of CARDIPRO along with its peripheral and coronary vasodiating effects may greatly help in management of carediovascular diseases.