Context: Brenner tumors of ovary are relatively uncommon neoplasm. Most of them are benign and less than 5% are proliferating or borderline. The association between Brenner tumor of the ovary and papillary urothelial carcinoma of bladder is extremely rare.
Case report: We describe an unusual case of proliferating bilateral Brenner tumor of the ovary with a highly recurrent low-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma of bladder.
Conclusion: The immunohistopathological similarities of ovarian and bladder tumors and their association in the current case, may be coincidental but may reflect a common initiating event inducing similar pathogenesis changes in the epithelium of both organs. More cases are needed to be reported to better understand this association.
Keywords: Brenner tumor; ovary; urinary bladder; urothelial carcinoma.