From theory to actual practice: creation and application of milestones in an internal medicine residency program, 2004-2010

Med Teach. 2012;34(9):717-23. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2012.689441. Epub 2012 May 30.


Background: In the USA, the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education, Educational Innovations Project is a partner in reshaping residency training to meet increasingly complex systems of health care delivery.

Aim: We describe the creation and implementation of milestones as a vehicle for translating educational theory into practice in preparing residents to provide safe, autonomous patient care.

Method: Six program faculty leaders, all with advanced medical education training, met in an iterative process of developing, implementing, and modifying milestones until a final set were vetted.

Results: We first formed the profile of a Master Internist. We then translated it into milestone language and implemented its integration across the program. Thirty-seven milestones were applied in all settings and rotations to reach explicit educational outcomes. We created three types of milestones: Progressive, build one on top of the other to mastery; additive, adding multiple behaviors together to culminate in mastery; and descriptive, using a proscribe set of complex, predetermined steps toward mastery.

Conclusions: Using milestones, our program has enhanced an educational model into explicit, end of training goals. Milestone implementation has yielded positive results toward competency-based training and others may adapt our strategies in a similar effort.

MeSH terms

  • Clinical Competence*
  • Education, Medical, Graduate / methods*
  • Education, Medical, Graduate / standards
  • Educational Status
  • Faculty, Medical*
  • Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  • Humans
  • Internal Medicine / education*
  • Internship and Residency / methods*
  • Internship and Residency / standards
  • Models, Educational*
  • Program Development
  • Program Evaluation
  • United States