In Turkey, Ankaferd Blood Stopper(®) (ABS) has been approved for the management of external haemorrhages and bleedings occurring during dental surgeries (Goker et al., 2008). Ankaferd comprises a standardized mixture of plants, including Thymus vulgaris, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Vitis vinifera, Alpinia officinarum, and Urtica diodica. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of AB S tam ponade in the control of intra-operative bleeding occurring during ad enoidectomy performed in children under the age of 12. Sixty children were randomized to receive 1 to 5 minute-tamponade with either ABS or topical gauze sponges soaked in saline solution (SS) during their ad enoidectomy.. Time-to-haemostasis and the number of packs required were recorded. A visual analog scale was used by the operating surgeon to record subjective data, including the rate of bleeding following the first adenoid pack removal (0= none, 3=brisk). Compared to the children in the SS group (n=30), time-to-haemostasis seen in ABS patients (n=30) was significantly shorter (mean ± standard deviation, 1.93 ± 1.39 min vs 3.20 ± 1.50 min; p<0.0001); they required a lower number of packs (mean, 1.93 vs. 3.20), and appeared to bleed less (53.3% vs 6.7%; p=0.0001). ABS aids in the control of intra-operative bleeding and reduces the number of packs required to achieve haemostasis, so that it can be recommended for tamponades per formed during paediatric adenoidectomies.
Keywords: Ankaferd; adenoidectomy; bleeding; children; haemostasis.