Breastfeeding and weaning practices in rural communities of Kelantan

Malays J Nutr. 1996 Sep;2(2):148-54.


A survey of infant-feeding and weaning practices of 566 mothers, systematically sampled from 15 rural villages, randomly selected in the district of Tumpat, Kelantan was carried out. Almost all mothers (97.3%) breastfed their children, reinforcing the previously reported high incidence of breast-feeding among rural Malaysian mothers. One hundred and seventeen (21.3%) of the 551 children breastfed were also given mixed feeding with infant fomulae as well. Weaning started before 4 months of age in 28.3% of the children and after 6 months of age in 12.8% of the children. The 3 most common type of food used in weaning were Nestum (45.0%), rice porridge or paste (42.6%) and wheat porridge or cakes (11.5%). Forty eight children (12.1%) discontinued breastfeeding once weaning was initiated. The main reasons for initiating weaning was mothers' perception that there was insufficient milk and that the child was always hungry (55.7%). Most mothers were also given advice by the health clinic staff on weaning, including the timing and the suitable weaning foods to give. All of the mothers were able to name at least one commercial weaning food product available in their community.