A series of phytoecodysteroids, including alpha-ecdysone, 2-deoxy-alpha-ecdysone, and 2-deoxyecdysterone isolated from Silene praemixta, integristerone A and ecdysterone isolated from Rhaponticum carthamoides and 22-acetylcyasterone and turkesterone isolated from Ajuga turkestanica, exhibit a pronounced hypoglycemic effect in experiments on intact male rats. The most active compounds--ecdysteron and turkesterone--also produce an expressed hypoglycemic effect in animals with model hyperglycemia induced by the administration of glucose, adrenalin and alloxan. Phytoecdysteroids are substances possessing protein-anabolic activity and are somewhat similar to steranobols in this aspect. Phytoecdysteroids exhibit unidirectional effect and are well comparable with steranabol actionon the carbohydrate metabolism.