The use of a reconstruction method suitable for three-dimensional (3-D) representations of the cortex for the quantitative evaluation of unilateral devascularizing cortical lesions is reported, demonstrating that 3-D reconstructions can be used for quantitative evaluation of the extent of cortical lesions, in addition to simply visualizing shapes. The procedure allowed the definition of precise quantitative parameters characterizing the volumes and surface areas of the cortical regions involved. It was shown that digitized serial sections from atlases can be utilized for multiple correlation studies by superimposing morphological and biochemical parameters. More specifically, the enzymatic activity of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) in the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM), and morphological parameters (number and cross-sectional areas) of the ChAT-positive immunoreactive cholinergic neurons, were related to the numerical values for the volume and surface area of the cortical lesions. The applicability of this method goes beyond the scope illustrated in this study. For example, various morphological anomalies in the brain could be quantified; changes in various cortical and subcortical structures could be followed during development; and the 3-D size, shape and position of a graft could be related to the number of viable foetal cells.