In the atmospheric scanning electron microscope (ASEM), an inverted SEM observes the wet sample from beneath an open dish while an optical microscope (OM) observes it from above. The disposable dish with a silicon nitride (SiN) film window can hold a few milliliters of culture medium, and allows various types of cells to be cultured in a stable environment. The use of this system for in situ correlative OM/SEM immuno-microscopy is explored, the efficiency of the required dual-tagged labeling assessed and the imaging capabilities of the ASEM documented. We have visualized the cytoskeletons formed by actin and tubulin, the chaperone PDI that catalyses native disulfide bond formation of proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the calcium sensor STIM1 that is integrated in ER membranes, using established cell lines. In particular, a dynamic string-like gathering of STIM1 was observed on the ER in Jurkat T cells in response to Ca(2+) store depletion. We have also visualized filamentous actin (F-actin) and tubulin in the growth cones of primary-culture neurons as well as in synapses. Further, radially running actin fibers were shown to partly colocalize with concentric bands of the Ca(2+) signaling component Homer1c in the lamellipodia of neuron primary culture growth cones. After synapse formation, neurite configurations were drastically rearranged; a button structure with a fine F-actin frame faces a spine with a different F-actin framework. Based on this work, ASEM correlative microscopy promises to allow the dynamics of various protein complexes to be investigated in the near future.
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