Eczema is most common skin disease which has social impact. The clinical picture of Eczema resembles with Vicharchika-a skin problem mentioned in Ayurvedic literature with Kapha and Pitta morbidly/pathology. In classical text of Ayurveda, Acharyas emphasize the Shodhana therapy as the line of treatment at various places. Among these various Shodhana therapy, Raktamokshan is indicated specially because Rakta is mainly involved as Dushya in Samprapti Ghataka. In the present comparative study, Raktamokshana with two different methods were selected to find out which method is more appropriate for Raktamokshana in Vicharchika. In A group, Jalaukavacharana Karma with Jalauka (Hirudinea medicinalis) and in B group, Siravedhana Karma with Syringe as method of Raktamokshana was selected. Better result was found in A group. So, it is better to manage Vicharchika using Jalaukavacharana as method of Raktamokshana in place of Siravedhana.
Keywords: Eczema; Jalaukavacharana; Raktamokshana; Siravedhana; Vicharchika.