Introduction: The availability of comprehensive and accurate medication history information in electronic medical records and through electronic prescribing provides the opportunity to create tailored interventions based on individuals' particular medication information needs. To meet the challenges of providing medication information to low-literate English and Spanish speaking older adults, we sought to create individualized, culturally and linguistically inclusive medication education materials for older adults from diverse backgrounds.
Methods: We used a mixed-method design including a systematic review, analysis of existing data, a telephone survey (n=326), and exploratory focus groups stratified by race/ethnicity and language spoken (11 focus groups; n=106) to identify what information about medications older adults need, want to learn, and in what format. We evaluated reactions to three DVDs at low-income senior community centers (2 focus groups; n=16).
Results: Exploratory focus groups provided insights on areas for improvement in patient-provider communication, and suggested use of vignettes and testimonials. Upon viewing, participants could relate to the testimonials in which actors portrayed people who have problems with their medications and were interested in the medication advice presented, especially when it was presented by a healthcare professional.
Discussion: Tailored medication education materials in English and Spanish DVD and print material format are suitable for low-literate audiences, acceptable to older adults, and feasible to implement using health IT. Virtually all households in the United States have a television, with most having a DVD player. DVD segments can be used in Internet links, physician office-based television, and consumer health IT applications.
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