Folding of the four-helix bundle FF domain from a compact on-pathway intermediate state is governed predominantly by water motion

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Nov 20;109(47):19268-73. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1212036109. Epub 2012 Nov 5.


Friction plays a critical role in protein folding. Frictional forces originating from random solvent and protein fluctuations both retard motion along the folding pathway and activate protein molecules to cross free energy barriers. Studies of friction thus may provide insights into the driving forces underlying protein conformational dynamics. However, the molecular origin of friction in protein folding remains poorly understood because, with the exception of the native conformer, there generally is little detailed structural information on the other states participating in the folding process. Here, we study the folding of the four-helix bundle FF domain that proceeds via a transiently formed, sparsely populated compact on-pathway folding intermediate whose structure was elucidated previously. Because the intermediate is stabilized by both native and nonnative interactions, friction in the folding transition between intermediate and folded states is expected to arise from intrachain reorganization in the protein. However, the viscosity dependencies of rates of folding from or unfolding to the intermediate, as established by relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy, clearly indicate that contributions from internal friction are small relative to those from solvent, so solvent frictional forces drive the folding process. Our results emphasize the importance of solvent dynamics in mediating the interconversion between protein configurations, even those that are highly compact, and in equilibrium folding/unfolding fluctuations in general.

Publication types

  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

MeSH terms

  • Databases, Protein
  • Friction / drug effects
  • Glycerol / pharmacology
  • Motion*
  • Mutant Proteins / chemistry
  • Mutant Proteins / metabolism
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Biomolecular
  • Protein Folding* / drug effects
  • Protein Structure, Secondary
  • Protein Structure, Tertiary
  • Proteins / chemistry*
  • Proteins / metabolism*
  • Thermodynamics
  • Viscosity / drug effects
  • Water / chemistry*


  • Mutant Proteins
  • Proteins
  • Water
  • Glycerol