Current ultra-wide field (UWF) retinal imaging systems utilize scanning laser ophthalmoscope technology combined with an ellipsoidal mirror to capture up to 200 degrees of the retina in a single image. When compared with mydriatic ETDRS-protocol, 7 standard field photographs and clinical examination, nonmydriatic UWF images appear to have excellent agreement in allowing the detection and classification of diabetic retinopathy (DR), although larger, definitive validation studies are still forthcoming. UWF imaging and angiography allow visualization of peripheral retinal nonperfusion, vascular leakage and neovascularization in patients with DR that may not be captured on 7 standard fields. Prospective randomized controlled trials are needed to evaluate whether modified laser treatment algorithms based on improved visualization of the retinal periphery might improve patient outcomes. Nonmydriatic UWF imaging has potential applications for ocular diabetic telehealth programs, but validation of newer, more portable, and more affordable UWF imaging models is needed.