Analytical and toxicological studies of decomposition of insecticide parathion after gamma-irradiation and ozonation

J AOAC Int. 2012 Sep-Oct;95(5):1378-85. doi: 10.5740/jaoacint.sge_bojanowska-czajka.


The decomposition of the widely used organophosphorus pesticide parathion was carried out in aqueous solutions by the use of gamma-irradiation from a 60Co source or ozonation by means of an ozone generator, and by combined processes of ozonation and radiolysis. Factors affecting the parathion decomposition as well formation and decomposition of the main by-products, including irradiation dose, length of ozonation time, and presence of common scavengers, were investigated. The most efficient was found to be the gamma-irradiation process combined with a short ozonation period; about 1 kGy irradiation dose was sufficient to decompose the pesticide in 15 mg/L solutions. Chemical studies of the decomposition of parathion were accompanied by monitoring of toxicity changes of irradiated solutions with the Microtox test.

Publication types

  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

MeSH terms

  • Chemistry Techniques, Analytical
  • Gamma Rays*
  • Insecticides / chemistry*
  • Ozone / chemistry*
  • Parathion / chemistry*


  • Insecticides
  • Parathion
  • Ozone