Context: Electrostimulation (ES) is one of the techniques employed in conservative treatment of urinary incontinence (UI) and/or overactive bladder syndrome (OAB). Nevertheless, there is controversy in the scientific literature regarding its effectiveness as monotherapy.
Objective: To evaluate the scientific evidence on ES of the pelvic floor in women with UI and with/without OAB.
Evidence acquisition: A systematic review of clinical trials was carried out in the following databases: PubMed, Cochrane, PEDro, Elsevier (Doyma) and EnFisPo (1980-2011). Quality of study registries was evaluated and information was obtained from those that presented the inclusion criteria established in the review.
Evidence synthesis: The 27 clinical trials were included in the review: 13 randomized controlled trials, 11 randomized non-controlled trials and 3 non-randomized trials.
Conclusion: Most of the clinical trials conclude that ES is effective in the treatment of UI and OAB in women. However, better methodological quality studies are needed to obtain a higher level of scientific evidence and to know the optimal current modality, type and parameters for each type of UI and OAB.
Keywords: Diafragma pélvico; Estimulación eléctrica transcutánea del nervio; Incontinencia urinaria; Mujeres; Overactive Urinary Bladder; Pelvic floor; Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation; Urinary incontinence; Vejiga urinaria hiperactiva; Women.
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