[Double innervation (facial/masseter) on the gracilis flap, in the middle face reanimation in the management of facial paralysis: a new concept]

Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 2013 Apr;58(2):89-95. doi: 10.1016/j.anplas.2012.12.001. Epub 2013 Jan 11.
[Article in French]


Introduction: The facial paralysis is a non-rare condition that has very disabling functional, morphological and psychological repercussions. The current gold standard in facial reanimation is revascularized re-innervated muscle transfers.

Materials and methods: In this paper, we report the results of a new method using the gracilis flap with a double innervation on the masseter motor nerve and the controlateral facial nerve via a sural graft in a single stage intervention, on a series of six patients.

Results: No failure was observed. The average delay of a voluntary contraction was 3.8months, and 7.2months for a spontaneous one. Three of the six patients had "excellent" results according to the Terzis and Noah classification, two were classified as "good" and one "average".

Discussion: A choice is to be made between a method advocating a natural and spontaneous dynamicity (controlateral facial nerve stimulus) and a method focusing on the quality and quantity of contractions (ipsilateral trijeminal stimulus). In this new technique, we combine the two methods: a free gracilis transfer with a dual innervation on the healthy controlateral facial nerve via a sural graft, on one hand, and a second anastomosis on the ipsilateral masseter nerve, on the other hand.

Conclusion: This new proposed method seems to be, according to our results, a reliable technique rallying voluntary contraction and emotional smile.

Publication types

  • English Abstract

MeSH terms

  • Facial Muscles / innervation
  • Facial Muscles / physiopathology
  • Facial Muscles / surgery*
  • Facial Paralysis / physiopathology
  • Facial Paralysis / surgery*
  • Female
  • Humans
  • Male
  • Masseter Muscle / innervation
  • Masseter Muscle / physiopathology
  • Masseter Muscle / surgery*
  • Middle Aged
  • Muscle Contraction
  • Muscle, Skeletal / innervation
  • Muscle, Skeletal / transplantation*
  • Plastic Surgery Procedures / methods*
  • Smiling
  • Surgical Flaps / innervation*
  • Thigh / surgery
  • Treatment Outcome