Tubular duplication of the colon is very rare especially in adulthood, because it is frequently symptomatic earlier in newborn life, so only few cases are reported in literature. Several theories are proposed to explain the onset and the evolution of gut malformations as the aberrant lumen recanalization or the diverticular theory, the alteration of the lateral closure of the embryonal disk or finally the dorsal protrusion of the yolk-sac for herniation or adhesion to the ectoderm for an abnormality of the longitudinal line, but none clarifies the exact genesis of duplication. We present a case of "Y-shaped" tubular duplication of the transverse colon in a 21-year-old adult, with a history of chronic pain and constipation, referred to our department for abdominal pain with retrosternal irradiation, treated with the resection of the aberrant bowel.
Keywords: Colonic diseases; Colonic duplication; Colorectal duplication; Neogenesis; Transverse duplication.