Background: Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23) is a phosphaturic hormone involved in the pathogenesis of secondary renal hyperparathyroidism (SRHP) in humans. There are no published studies examining feline FGF-23.
Objectives: Validation of a method for FGF-23 quantification in feline plasma and assessment of the associations among plasma FGF-23, PTH, creatinine, and phosphate concentrations in cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Animals: One hundred nonazotemic and azotemic geriatric (>9 years) client-owned cats.
Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional study: Cats were categorized into 4 groups: control group (plasma creatinine (Cr) ≤2.0 mg/dL), stage 2 (Cr 2.1-2.8 mg/dL), stage 3 (Cr 2.9-5.0 mg/dL), stage 4 (Cr >5.0 mg/dL). Stages 2 and 3 were further subdivided based on International Renal Interest Society targets for plasma phosphate concentration (PO4 ): stage 2a (PO4 ≤4.5 mg/dL), stage 2b (PO4 >4.5 mg/dL), stage 3a (PO4 ≤5 mg/dL), stage 3b (PO4 >5 mg/dL). Plasma FGF-23 concentrations were measured by a human intact FGF-23 ELISA. Descriptive statistics and linear regression were performed.
Results: The ELISA demonstrated acceptable precision, reproducibility, and specificity. Plasma FGF-23 concentrations increased with increasing plasma creatinine concentrations and were significantly different between all groups (P < .008). Plasma FGF-23 concentrations were significantly higher in cats in stage 2b than stage 2a (P = .008) and in stage 3b than in stage 3a (P = .012). Phosphate, log creatinine, total calcium, log parathyroid hormone, and packed cell volume were all independent predictors of FGF-23.
Conclusions and clinical importance: FGF-23 concentrations increase with increasing stage of feline CKD and might be a marker or mediator of feline SRHP.
Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.