Radical zinc-atom-transfer-based carbozincation of haloalkynes with dialkylzincs

Beilstein J Org Chem. 2013:9:236-45. doi: 10.3762/bjoc.9.28. Epub 2013 Feb 4.


The formation of alkylidenezinc carbenoids by 1,4-addition/carbozincation of dialkylzincs or alkyl iodides based on zinc atom radical transfer, in the presence of dimethylzinc with β-(propargyloxy)enoates having pendant iodo- and bromoalkynes, is disclosed. Formation of the carbenoid intermediate is fully stereoselective at -30 °C and arises from a formal anti-selective carbozincation reaction. Upon warming, the zinc carbenoid is stereochemically labile and isomerizes to its more stable form.

Keywords: carbenoids; carbometallation; carbozincation; radicals; tandem reaction.