There is still an unexplored potential for exhaled nitric oxide (NO) in many clinical applications. This study presents an overview of the currently available methods for monitoring NO in exhaled breath and the use of the modelling of NO production and transport in the lung in clinical practice. Three technologies are described, namely chemiluminescence, electrochemical sensing and laser-based detection with their advantages and limitations. Comparisons are made in terms of sensitivity, time response, size, costs and suitability for clinical purposes. The importance of the flow rate for NO sampling is discussed from the perspective of the recent recommendations for standardized procedures for online and offline NO measurement. The measurement of NO at one flow rate, such as 50 ml s(-1), can neither determine the alveolar site/peripheral contribution nor quantify the difference in NO diffusion from the airways walls. The use of NO modelling (linear or non-linear approach) can solve this problem and provide useful information about the source of NO. This is of great value in diagnostic procedures of respiratory diseases and in treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs.