Aquagenic palmar wrinkling induced by combined use of salazopyrin and indomethacin

Case Rep Dermatol. 2013 Jan;5(1):21-6. doi: 10.1159/000346744. Epub 2013 Jan 22.


Aquagenic palmar wrinkling (APW) is an uncommon dermatological condition, which manifests as asymptomatic or tender palmar papules and may cause discomfort and manual functional limitations during its flares. Despite some studies implying a relationship between cystic fibrosis (CF) and APW, there are also reports of APW cases without an accompanying CF. In this report we describe a 19-year-old ankylosing spondylitis patient, who developed APW lesions after the start of combined salazopyrin and indomethacin treatment. His palmar lesions were resistant to topical corticosteroid and aluminium hydroxide therapy and disappeared only after stopping the anti-inflammatory drugs. With this report, we aim to highlight and address this underrecognized dermatological condition and possible role of aquaporins in its pathogenesis.

Keywords: Aquagenic palmar wrinkling; Aquaporin; Cyclooxygenase; Indomethacin; Prostaglandins; Salazopyrin.

Publication types

  • Case Reports