Objective: Despite recommendations from the Institute of Medicine regarding survivorship care plan (SCP) delivery to cancer patients, there have been few health service outcome evaluations thus far.
Methods: Gynecologic cancer survivors who were up to one-year post-treatment could participate in an evaluation assessing the health services provided and their perceptions of quality of care. A randomized, nested, cross-sectional design was used in a large group gynecologic oncology practice. Half (n=3) of the physicians were randomized to provide and discuss a SCP to patients during a follow-up visit, and the other half did not. Following their visits, all patients were informed that a health service evaluation of the practice was being conducted. Interested patients completed an anonymous 26-item survey assessing administrative, clinical, and educational health services, helpfulness of written materials, and perceptions of quality of care.
Results: Of the 121 survivors surveyed, 64 received SCPs and 57 were in the no-SCP condition. As a validity check, one question asked about educational materials received during the visit with an expected significant difference noted between conditions (X(2)=5.513, p=.019; more SCP patients reported receiving materials). However, there were no differences between conditions when patients rated health services (Fs>.37) or helpfulness of materials and perceptions of care (Fs>.19).
Conclusions: Gynecologic oncology patients providing ratings of health services and satisfaction with care provided equivalent evaluations, regardless if they had/had not received a SCP from the physician. Thus, the need remains for further evaluations of SCPs if they are to be vehicles for improving health service outcomes.
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