Interface problems between health care sectors hinder collaborative care in functional syndromes. The speciAL trial investigated a disorder-oriented group intervention conducted by the general practitioner (GP) and a psychosomatic specialist (PS) in the GP's office. To evaluate the GP-PS cooperation, our qualitative study analysed free text statements about collaborative group leading of all 18 intervention GPs. In the GPs' view, all sessions should structuredly be prepared and reviewed together for 20 min. Functions of the preparatory communication were gaining distance from daily business, attunement to the group and to each other, and preparing for the session topics. Functions of the communication after the sessions were professional exchange, reflection of the session and further treatment planning. The GPs saw the PS's role as a group leader and expert, their own role as a reference person for the patient, a link between all dimensions and a cotherapist. Crucial seemed a succeeding role splitting.
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.