Management of pregnant patients who refuse medically indicated cesarean delivery

Rev Obstet Gynecol. 2012;5(3-4):e144-50.


The doctrine of informed refusal may become difficult to adhere to in obstetric practice, especially in situations in which the fetus's life is at risk. One rare yet potentially problematic situation of informed refusal is the case of a pregnant woman who refuses to undergo a medically indicated cesarean delivery that would ensure the well-being of her fetus. Although some would argue that patient autonomy takes precedence and the woman's informed refusal should be respected, others would argue that beneficence, justice, and doing no harm to the viable fetus should ethically overrule the refusal of a surgery. This article explores the profound conflict between maternal autonomy and the rights of the fetus, provides a framework to address when the two diverge, and poses suggestions for how providers can better navigate this dilemma.

Keywords: Cesarean delivery; Ethics; Fetal risk management; Informed refusal; Intervention.