Cardiac manifestations are reported in 0.3%-4.0% of European patients with Borrelia burgdorferi (B.b.) infection. Usually symptoms disappear within 6 weeks. We report a case with persistent impairment of atrioventricular (AV) conduction. Diagnosis was confirmed by demonstration of IgM antibodies and increase of IgG antibody titers against B.b. in serum, by isolation of the spirochete from skin biopsy material and by the typical clinical combination of erythema migrans, Bannwarth syndrome (meningoradiculitis), and complete heart block. Despite immediate antibiotic therapy with ceftriaxone, first degree AV block and second degree block Wenckebach with atrial pacing at 100 beats/minute persisted for 2 years. We conclude, that Lyme carditis can cause long-standing or irreversible AV conduction defects despite adequate and early antimicrobial therapy.