Purpose: To assess cost savings incurred with a dose rounding process that was implemented for ipilimumab. Secondarily, to assess response rates, patient tolerance, and adverse effects associated with ipilimumab upon implementation of dose rounding.
Methods: All patients with a diagnosis of metastatic melanoma and who received at least one dose ipilimumab were included for analysis. Doses of ipilimumab were calculated based upon the actual body weight (in kg) of the patient at the FDA approved regimen of 3 mg/kg every 21 days × 4 doses. The exact total mg dose was then rounded to the nearest 50 mg vial size. The potential effect on cost was calculated in US dollars for both the calculated and rounded doses. Waste, in mg, was defined as the amount of drug that may have been discarded if the calculated dose was used for therapy. The acquisition cost applied was US$120 per mg.
Results: 22 patients have received at least one dose of ipilimumab. 11 patients have completed therapy and received all four induction doses. 9 patients discontinued therapy early and 2 patients were still actively receiving induction at the time of this analysis. A total of 63 doses were given. The maximum potential cost savings by giving ipilimumab to the nearest 50 mg over the period was 155,400.
Conclusions: Dose rounding of ipilimumab to the nearest 50 mg has the potential to result in a significant cost savings by eliminating drug waste.
Keywords: Melanoma; cost savings; dose rounding; immunotherapy; ipilimumab.