Aims: We sought to obtain insights into the efficacy of two websites, and, that have the intention to prevent fatal arrhythmias due to unsafe drug use in Long QT syndrome and Brugada syndrome.
Methods and results: Prospective web-use statistical analysis combined with online surveys were employed. Our main outcome measure was the percentage of Long QT syndrome patients and Brugada syndrome patients reporting refraining or discontinuation of possible unsafe drugs. has received >3 100 000 visitors from 180 countries. Most visitors originated from the Americas (87%), as compared with Europe (7%), Asia (3%), Oceania (2%), and Africa (1%). The survey yielded 340 respondents: 34% were patients and 50% medical professionals. Of the patients, 79% reported that they refrained from, and 61% reported discontinuing drugs due to the website. The website was very much appreciated by 65% of the respondents and 30% found it rather helpful. The received >48 000 visitors from 154 countries. Most visitors originated from Europe (46%) and the Americas (39%), but less from Asia (10%), Oceania (4%), and Africa (<1%). The survey yielded 178 respondents: 68% were patients and 21% medical professionals. Of the patients, 72% reported refraining from, and 48% discontinuing drugs due to the website. The website was very much appreciated by 72% of the respondents and 25% found it rather helpful.
Conclusion: These websites are extensively used, they promote drug awareness, and they help patients to avoid possible pro-arrhythmic drugs. Visitors find the websites valuable but should note their limitations.
Keywords: Brugada syndrome; Cardiac arrest; Drugs; Long QT syndrome; Side effects; website statistics; website use.