Seven to 8 months old (maturity stage) coconuts (Cocos nucifera L.) from local tall cultivar ('West Coast Tall') with husk and intact perianth were stored at room temperature (27 ± 2(°)C) and the minimally processed nuts (60% husk removed) were stored both at room temperature as well as refrigerated conditions (13 ± 2°C) to evaluate the changes in physical and chemical constituents of coconut water during storage. Observations on physiological loss in weight of the stored coconuts, volume and pH of coconut water, total sugars and amino acid, minerals (Na and K) and sensory tests were used to evaluate the quality. The observations were continued till the quality of the nut water deteriorated. It was observed that, to increase the shelf-life of the coconuts the nuts have to be harvested carefully with intact perianth and without any breakage of nuts. The quality of minimally processed nuts deteriorates earlier than non-dehusked nuts during storage.
Keywords: Amino acid; Minimally processed; Perianth; Shelf-life; Tender coconut; Total sugars.