The effect ofFusarium culmorum /W.G Smith/ andFusarium nivale /Fr./ ces. metabolites on germination, seedlings growth and cytological disturbances of rye, wheat and triticale

Mycotoxin Res. 1987 Mar:3 Suppl 1:82-5. doi: 10.1007/BF03192035.


The effects ofF. culmorum andF. Nivale metabolites on grain viability seedlings growth rate, mitotic activity and aberration frequency were studied. It was stated that metabolites which were contained in studiedFusaria culture filtrates decreased seed viability and inhibited growth rate of triticale, rye and wheat seedlings. The decline of mitotic activity and increase of aberration frequency under the effect of studied metabolites were noted. Metabolites of F. culmorum appeared to be more phytotoxic than metabolites ofF. nivale.