Background: Internal Medicine resident (IMR) physician reporting of patient safety events (PSEs) is suboptimal and may be related to poor attitudes toward reporting.
Purpose: The objective was to evaluate the impact of a PSE reporting expectation on the rates of reporting among IMRs.
Methods: In this prospective cohort study, IMRs were informed of an expectation to submit 1 or more PSE report per month based on the ACGME core competencies. The PSE reports were collected over 9 months and compared with a 4-month baseline before the expectation. Report quality and IMRs' attitudes were also evaluated.
Results: There was a significant and initial increase in the total number of reports. However, the number of IMRs meeting the expectation of 1 or more report per month initially rose but was not sustained over the 9-month observational period. Report quality and IMRs attitudes toward reporting were positive but unchanged over time.
Conclusions: Although a reporting expectation increased the total number of reports, the majority of IMRs did not maintain a 1 or more PSE report per month despite positive attitudes.