Background: We conducted a cross sectional survey of electrocardiographic changes among shift-workers.
Methods: We classified the electrocardiogram morphology, and measured the QTc interval in 91 male workers engaged in regular daily work-shifts, 32 in 24 hr work-shift (h24), and 93 in irregular 6 hr work-shift (h6).
Results: With reference to daily workers, the QTc interval was prolonged among h6 workers (P < 0.001) and h24 workers (P < 0.005). The age- and obesity-adjusted standardized prevalence ratio (SPR) of a borderline/prolonged QTc was 2.2-fold among h6 workers (95% CI 1.2, 4.2); conduction disorders (SPR = 2.6; 95% CI 1.3, 5.2) and repolarization disorders (SPR = 1.9; 95% CI 1.0, 3.5) were also more frequently observed among h6 workers. Excluding 19 subjects with risk factors for prolonged QTc did not change the results.
Conclusions: Our study reveals significant changes in the ECG morphology in relation to shift-work, especially in unpredictable and non-standard working hours.
Keywords: QTc interval; electrocardiogram; shift work.
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