Electroencephalography (EEG) is widely used in cognitive and behavioral research. This study evaluates the effectiveness of using the EEG power index to measure visual fatigue. Three common visual fatigue measures, critical-flicker fusion (CFF), near-point accommodation (NPA), and subjective eye-fatigue rating, were used for comparison. The study participants were 20 men with a mean age of 20.4 yr. (SD = 1.5). The experimental task was a car-racing video game. Results indicated that the EEG power indices were valid as a visual fatigue measure and the sensitivity of the objective measures (CFF and EEG power index) was higher than the subjective measure. The EEG beta and EEG alpha were effective for measuring visual fatigue in short- and long-duration tasks, respectively. EEG beta/alpha were the most effective power indexes for the visual fatigue measure.