In this minireview, we focus on advances in our knowledge of the human erythrocyte proteome and interactome that have occurred since our seminal review on the topic published in 2007. As will be explained, the number of unique proteins has grown from 751 in 2007 to 2289 as of today. We describe how proteomics and interactomics tools have been used to probe critical protein changes in disorders impacting the blood. The primary example used is the work done on sickle cell disease where biomarkers of severity have been identified, protein changes in the erythrocyte membranes identified, pharmacoproteomic impact of hydroxyurea studied and interactomics used to identify erythrocyte protein changes that are predicted to have the greatest impact on protein interaction networks.
Keywords: Erythrocyte; interactomics; proteome; proteomics; red blood cell; sickle cell disease.